Manmohini Song Lyrics in Marathi,English-Mogra Phulaalaa Movie, Swapnil Joshi


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Mogra Phulaalaa is a 2019 Marathi Language Movie directed by Shrabani DeodharManmohini song from this Swapnil Joshi starrer Mogra Phulaalaa is composed by the music director Rohit Shyam Raut. Abhishek Khankar has provided the Lyrics for this song: Manmohini, while Rohit Shyam Raut has provided the voice.

Song Details:

Movie:Mogra Phulaalaa
Song Title:Manmohini
Movie Director :Shrabani Deodhar
Music Director:Rohit Shyam Raut
Singer(s):Rohit Shyam Raut
Lyrics By:Abhishek Khankar

Manmohini Video Song from the Movie Mogra Phulaalaa

Manmohini Video Song from the Movie Mogra Phulaalaa is well received by the Audience. The Video Song has reached more than 100K views since the song is uploaded on YouTube.

Zee Music Marathi is the original owner of this Video Song, hence copying this Video song in any form is considered as a Copy Right Violation as per YouTube, Indian and American Copy Right Laws.

Manmohini Song Lyrics in English

Manmohini aaj pahili
Chhabhi tichi paahta
ya mani rahili

Manmohini aaj pahili
Ho mogryachi kali
Me tila vahili

Ticha gandh ka
Sobati na kale
Ticha bandh ka
Bhovti na kale

Manmohini aaj pahili
Ho mogryachi kali
Me tila vahili

Tichyach ka re
Lagli odh hi re mala
Gulmohrachi jod ti an
Keshrishi tichi bhavana
Tichi chal ka
Man ase gun gune
Tiche bhas ka
Vatati sohale

Manmohini aaj pahili
Ho mogryachi kali
Me tila vahili

Manmohini Song Lyrics in Marathi

मनमोहिनी आज पहिली
छबी तिची पाहता
या मनी राहिली

मनमोहिनी आज पहिली
हो मोगऱ्याची कळी
मी तिला वाहिली

तिचा गंध का
सोबती न कळे
तिचा बंध का
भोवती न कळे

मनमोहिनी आज पहिली
हो मोगऱ्याची कळी
मी तिला वाहिली

तिच्याच का रे
लागली ओढ ही रे मला
गुलमोहराची जोड ति अन
केशरीची तिची भावना

तिची चाल का
मन असे गुण गुणे
तिचे भास का
वाटती सोहळे

मनमोहिनी आज पहिली
हो मोगऱ्याची कळी
मी तिला वाहिली

Note from the Author:

We hope these Manmohini Song Lyrics are useful for you. You might have listened to this Mogra Phulaalaa movie song many times in the past, and moreover, this Manmohini can be one of your favorite songs as well. Please share your experiences and memories about this song with all our audience by adding your comments in the comments section down below, thank you.

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